Tips and Tricks –

Use your email signature as a marketing tool – we all send many emails every day and miss the opportunity to market ideas and services in the signature! To add a message to your signature in Outlook 2003 – 2007 go to  ‘Tools’ -‘Options’ ‘Mail Format’ and you should see signatures?

In 2010  go to ‘File’ – ‘Options’- ‘Mail’ – ‘Signatures’


Outlook pst folder – Do you back up your Outlook pst folder regularly? This is the file that holds all of your emails, calendar, contacts, in fact everything that you have in Outlook. If it becomes corrupted you will have lost all of that valuable information. If you are like me, Outlook runs my life and on the rare occassions when I have had  a machine crash or Outlook has not opend properly I have really appreciated getting it back working again.
So if you open Outlook and go to ‘File’ – ‘Open’ – ‘ Data file’  you will see where the archive and the main pst files are held. You should then be able to trace your way back through the “path” to find out where the file is held. Then make sure that you get a copy of it somewhere safe.
You may find that you need to go to Folder properties in Windows Explorer and ‘show hidden files’
In Vista is is usually it is in C: user  folder-[yourname]-app data- local – Microsoft – Outlook.
There is also a backup tool on the Otulook web site which will perform a backup each time you close it.

Good luck

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